Sunday, February 12, 2006


Well, so much for incremental faithfulness. Although I am an engineer, which has improved my attention to small details simply as a mode of survival, I am still a big picture thinker. I would rather invent the concept and not go through the dirty work. Yet the realization that most inventions are brought about by just that type of work, though a cold reality, has begun to direct how I foresee the rest of my life playing out, assuming that I do actually end up in engineering.

In light of the above, it is amazing sometimes that people see fit to give one responsibilities; honestly delegation is an amazing talent, which I can say I may be getting better at, but still need some practice. Todd has seen fit to have me lead the Bible Study in his abscence. It seems there are two possible responses to responsibility, fear or confidence, which could have all sorts of other "side effects". Unfortunately, even after leading many times, my response is less like fear and more like confidence. This is unfortunate because it is a foolish confidence in myself; whereas I would prefer, and believe that it has been prescribed, that my confident action stem from a trust in the truth that God wants to and is using me. I am praying that He would be the one there and working through me this next Wednesday. I suppose you could generalize this process, put it in the vocabulary spiritualization machine and end up with a general rule for making decisions but I will make no such attempt here. Such things are better reserved for semester summaries, such as might be published on my website. In the meantime; since I sense that you might be desperate for at least some explanation I give you two cryptic groups of letters: TRUST GOD.

Here are some other events over the last week; maybe I will make it rather a goal to update weekly instead of daily; I mean, who is going to read all of this stuff otherwise (in addition to how detrimental daily updates would be to my sleep schedule!) My parents and little sister Laura came for the weekend which was great; apparently the cleanliness of my duplex impressed my mom, they got to cook for the Nav group, and took us out for some great food. Deep conversation was limited but not nonexistent; I am so thankful for having such a loving family. Summer plans are still up in the air which is a source of a little anxiety, so I will be researching them heavily this week. After all, what is a better cure for anxiety than knowledge right?!?


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